Central Education Team

Mrs Sarah Bagshaw
Chief Executive Officer
Worked within the education sector nationally at a strategic level for over 15 years. Upholds the Christian ethos of the Trust. Manages the overall operations of the organisation. Develops and approves strategies to meet members, parents, children, educational agencies and employee needs. Communicates with people inside and outside the organisation to discover what policies, operational and marketing strategies will help the Trust move forward. Underpinned by a background as a Chartered Accountant with over 30 years experience, driving successful business operations in a variety of sectors, dealing with growth and change management at a strategic and operational level.

Mrs Sarah Rostron
Chief Operation Officer
Previously Headteacher at St. Bede C of E Primary Academy. Received the TES 'Headteacher of the Year' award in 2021. Successfully led whole school initiatives at a number of schools to raise standards in curriculum and education. As COO, strives to provide all pupils in the Trust with engaging educational experiences, giving them the best the best start to life. Co-ordinates staff collaboration opportunities within the Trust and beyond, providing professional development that enables staff to feel empowered in their roles. Researches new educational initiatives and works with school leaders to evaluate and refine strategies to best suit the needs of local school communities, and the pupils they serve.

Mrs Anna Black
Over 19 years experience in education. Headteacher at St. Bede C of E Primary Academy, a three-form entry primary school, and is committed to providing educational excellence. A Specialist Leader of Education with particular expertise in the Quality of Education, she has been successfully deployed to support a number of schools resulting in significant impact on standards. A recent external review report stated, 'The Headteacher leads with energy and vision'.

Mrs Nicola Whittaker
Headteacher since September 2019. Within three years of headship, including during the global pandemic, has ensured sustainable whole school improvement at Tonge Moor Primary Academy from an OFSTED judgement of ‘Inadequate’ to ‘Good’. Has almost 27 years experience in five primary schools and senior leadership experience in four schools. Held a variety of leadership roles including whole school responsibility for Special Educational Needs, Safeguarding, Teaching and Learning and Assessment. As a senior leader, responsible for ensuring the highest standards of teaching and learning, developing positive school and pupil culture as well as the strategic planning and monitoring of continual school improvement.

Mrs Keeley King
Deputy Headteacher
Worked in education for 16 years and at St. Bede C of E Primary Academy for two years as Deputy Headteacher and Curriculum Lead. Supports subject leads in developing, monitoring and continually improving subject areas in the curriculum. Responsible for driving forward whole curriculum concepts, reviewing areas of the curriculum and researching new initiatives.

Mrs Natalie Kelleher
Deputy Headteacher
As Deputy Headteacher at Tonge Moor Primary Academy, Natalie is responsible for whole school curriculum leadership, teaching and learning and staff Continued Professional Development. She has over 14 years experience working within primary education; she has completed an Exemplary Leadership course and is currently working towards her NPQH. Natalie has an expert knowledge of curriculum developments and design; she is able to support with planning and implementing an ambitious and coherent curriculum which meets the needs of all learners. She is passionate about developing other professionals; designing and delivering high quality CPD and working with curriculum leaders to ensure they have the knowledge and skills to develop and maintain a high-quality curriculum for their subject. Natalie has led various projects within school to raise standards, establishing creative, responsive and effective approaches to teaching and learning.

Miss Lauren Hirst
Deputy Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Lauren has been Designated Safeguarding Lead at St. Bede C of E Primary Academy for four years. During this time, she has further developed the safeguarding team (a team of six teachers) so that each member is allocated two to three families to act as caseworkers for them. This ensures that the caseworker knows the family very well and is able to support them effectively. Lauren promotes safeguarding practices and procedures across the school, through regular training and the use of CPOMS for recording. She is also Deputy Headteacher; previous to this she was an Assistant Headteacher and Year 6 class teacher.

Miss Jenna Philburn
Assistant Headteacher
An experienced and outstanding Early Years Leader, Jenna has previous experience in PVI settings, has taught in the Early Years at both St. Bede C of E Primary Academy and Tonge Moor Primary Academy. Specialises in ‘Teaching and Learning’ and has an incredibly creative approach, especially to outdoor play. Has led the Early Years phase at Tonge Moor Primary Academy, taking it from Ofsted ‘Inadequate’ to Ofsted ‘Good’ in 2023. Currently Early Years Lead across the Trust.

Miss Danielle Livesey
Assistant Headteacher
An experienced Safeguarding Lead, who is driven to provide quality learning experiences and inclusive, creative and dynamic teaching, to enable pupils to engage and access learning effectively. Leads with a focus on the well-being of the staff and children, building relationships, nurturing and supporting both staff and children to flourish and grow.

Mrs Robina Durani
Assistant Headteacher
Assistant Headteacher and Phase Lead for Year 3 and 4 at Tonge Moor Primary Academy, with a broad wealth of teaching experience covering over 28, across eight primary schools. An experienced subject lead in the following areas: Science, English, RE, DT and PSHRE. Completed the NPQSL (National Professional Qualifications in Senior Leadership) in 2021. Demonstrates a passion for providing children with goals and aspirations. Wide experience of applying for grants with success, gained funding from a variety of government/charitable agencies to enhance different areas of the curriculum, including funding for staff CPD and trips.

Miss Leah Jennings
Assistant Headteacher
Started as a Newly Qualified Teacher at St. Bede CE Primary in 2014 and later, in 2020, secured the position of Assistant Head at Tonge Moor Primary Academy. Experienced in teaching across key stage two with seven years’ experience in Year Six. Held a number of curriculum leadership responsibilities in Maths, Science, RE and Geography. Works within the assessment team and has a secure understanding of the different statutory assessment requirements at the end of each key stage.

Mrs Louise Greenwood
Assistant Headteacher
Employed at St. Bede C of E Primary Academy for 20 years, initially as a Teaching Assistant and Special Needs Assistant before becoming a qualified teacher. Currently Assistant Headteacher for Key Stage One, having taken on this role in 2019. Teaching for over 16 years and has a wealth of teaching experience in both Key Stage One and Key Stage Two. English Lead with a real passion for this subject, having led whole school improvement and delivered training across the Trust in this area. Instrumental in supporting and ‘growing others’ through role as Senior Lead Mentor for SCITT/ITT trainees, as well as supporting whole school staff development.

Miss Yvonne Trimble
Assistant Headteacher
Over 25 years experience in primary education. Currently Assistant Headteacher, with responsibility for Years 5 and 6, and class teacher in Year 6. Mathematics Lead at St. Bede C of E Primary Academy and has completed the NCETM Primary Mathematics Specialist with PD Lead Training, which supports the development of the Mastery approach in Mathematics. Part of this role has involved leading TRGs (Teacher Research Groups) to support Mathematics Leads and practitioners, to develop the Teaching for Mastery approach in their schools.

Mrs Naseem Patel
Assistant Headteacher & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Assistant Headteacher, class teacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead at St. Bede C of E Primary Academy with over 16 years experience in education. As Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, liaises with staff, pastoral support staff, school nurses, IT technicians and the SENDCO on matters of safety, safeguarding and welfare (including online and digital safety). Dedicated to keeping children safe and happy at all times.

Miss Rochelle Connor
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead & Year 6 Teacher
Employed at St. Bede C of E Primary Academy for over 16 years. During that time, experienced a variety of roles such as Learning Mentor, Pastoral Support and has been the LAC (Looked After Child) Lead for the last six years, which is an integral part of the safeguarding team. Currently Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Year 6 class teacher. As a safeguarding source of support, Rochelle provides advice and expertise across the school, acing with integrity and maintaining confidentiality at all times.

Mrs Zoe Ashton
SENDCO with over five years’ experience, having worked at both St. Bede C of E Primary Academy and most recently at Tonge Moor Primary Academy. Has a passion for inclusive practise and for supporting teachers and special needs assistants to ensure all SEND children flourish.

Mrs Shelly Price
I am a passionate practitioner and advocate for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, with over 5 years experience working as a special educational needs coordinator, and over 15 years working in primary schools in a variety of different roles. I work closely alongside pupils, parents, staff and external agencies to ensure that pupils with additional needs get the best available support, enabling them to flourish in school.

Mrs Jemma Harper
Special Needs Assistant
Has a passion for raising awareness of SEN in all areas, ensuring that children feel safe, happy and valued within the school community. Takes a lead role in ensuring that provision maps are of a high quality, and works alongside other special needs assistants providing support in the delivery of high-quality interventions and group work with children.

Miss Alex Etchells
Special Needs Assistant
Worked in current role at St. Bede C of E Primary Academy for three years and previously worked at Morris Green ‘Out Of School Club’ as Deputy Manager. Currently oversees the school's medical register and has undertaken relevant medical training. Demonstrates expertise within 'Social and Emotional Mental Health' and embraces an inclusive approach for all children. ‘If the children are happy in themselves, they will be happy in school and be ready to learn'.

Mrs Rebecca O’Brien
Attendance Officer & Pastoral Lead
Experienced in many roles within the Trust during 17 years of service. As Attendance and Pastoral Leader at Tonge Moor Primary Academy, monitors attendance, removing the barriers to learning and engaging closely with families and external agencies. Delivers weekly nurture sessions for children on the Child Protection Register to support emotional wellbeing. 'Making pupil wellbeing a focus, enables our young people to make well informed, positive choices to support their journey and to ensure they have the tools they need to flourish and thrive'.
Mrs Dawn Bonney
Attendance Officer & Behaviour Mentor
Over 16 years experience in primary education with vast knowledge and experience of working with children and families, dealing with barriers to education. Focused on ensuring that everyone understands what young children need to thrive, and to be happy and healthy. In order to gain the best outcome possible, works proactively and collaboratively to offer support to make sure every child receives the education that they deserve.

Mrs Sarah Hobson
Learning Mentor
As a Learning Mentor, supports pupils through offering sessions on mindfulness, children’s well-being and safeguarding, as well as offering pupils support relating to issues of anti- bullying, bereavement and pupil anxieties. Attends safeguarding core and conference meetings and leads on Early Help support for families. Supports staff to ensure that they follow the wave systems in pupil support and intervention.

Mrs Claire Woods
Governance & Communication Lead
Before being appointed to her current role, Claire was Office Manager at St. Bede and has been with the Academy/Trust for over 11 years. She previously worked for a large corporate company for 18 years, specialising in internal communications and colleague engagement. With key knowledge and expertise in communication and public relations, Claire continually provides support to the MAT Leadership and Senior Leadership Teams across the Trust in promoting the vision, values and mission. Claire is also the Governance Professional (Clerk) to the Board of Directors. She is currently studying for a Level 3 Certificate in Clerking of School and Governing Boards through the National Governance Association (NGA), and hopes to develop her knowledge and skills to become an expert in this field.

Mrs Joanne Ainsworth
Systems & Admin Officer
Over 20 years experience working in an administrative environment within the education sector. At Tonge Moor Primary Academy, plays a crucial role in the day-to-day life of school by providing a wide range of administrative support, to keep everything running as smoothly as possible. Maintains the school’s data system and processes and submits all relevant reports in accordance with DfE and Local Authority requirements. Maintains and builds good relationships between school, parents/carers and the wider community by providing home-school and general communications.

Mrs Debbie Hardman
Human Resources - Staff Attendance Lead
Debbie began her journey with St. Bede 20 years ago. During that time she has worked in various roles within the St. Bede Childcare Charity and within the Central Services Team. Currently working with staff and the senior leadership team to promote and support attendance and wellbeing which has become a core role within the Trust.